Kim Jong Il looking at soy sauce

posted by on 12.04.2011, under Advertising, Learning, Marketing, Philosophy, Politics

Here are two pics from a brilliant series of photos that show Kim Jong Il looking at things. On, where I stumbled upon these jewels, you’ll find more pics of the Dear Leader looking at things. What strikes me most is Kim’s invariably remote look – as if he were clinically observing the slimy remains of a carnivorous blob from outer space, without showing all too overt signs of repulsion. Kim Jong Il, a remarkable man indeed.

Kim Jong Il Looking at soy sauce

Kim Jong Il looking at breakfast

Nuclear art

posted by on 11.04.2011, under Architecture, Art, Urban planning

This picture of the Cruas Nuclear Power Station in France is very evocative. While pure white fumes go up in to the atmosphere, art and nuclear energy happen to combine wonderfully. In Hipcescu, this is something we have always known.

Ballet with Quadrocopters

posted by on 02.04.2011, under Creativity, Ideas, Learning

Now here is an example of how technology has come to approximate the elevated grace of dragonflies balletdancing over the surface of a pond. Or is this just Pong – the most primitive and entertaining of digital game-forms – in 3D? Wonder how it would look like with 16 Quadrocopters performing Swan Lake while keeping the ball in the air? It’ll definitely take a hell of a lot of programming.

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And here is one of these little fuckers playing keyboards.

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