The Maag Lever Darmstichting (MLDS) is a Dutch charity foundation supporting crucial colon and intestinal cancer research. MLDS has a collection week every year, which in 2010 happened to fall during the football World Cup.

Our task was to develop a campaign that would maximize collections. We gathered that MLDS + the Dutch Football Team = an orange toilet paper roll. This gave us an iconic, campaignable image which we used in TV, print and outdoor ads.

The orange color of the toilet paper roll wasn’t just a nice little gimmick. As one of our headlines said, “The color of your toilet paper is vitally important”, not only because it is orange, but also because the color of your excrements tell a story.

The ads generated public attention, free publicity and drove traffic to the MLDS website, which offered people the chance to become collectors by selling orange toilet paper rolls online – a bit like a pyramid-scheme, but one where everyone really was a winner.

Result: MLDS collected € 1.482.743,50

Client – MLDS. Agency – Gummo. Account: Nathalie Ji Yun Kranenborg. Strategie: Onno Lixenberg. Concept / Art direction: Hajo de Boer. Concept / Copy: Olaf Zwetsloot. Director: Michael Sewandono (Comrad). D.O.P.: Daniël Bouquet. Producer: Bregje Houthoff. Music: Ruben Samama.

Maag Lever Darmstichting: Info

Maag Lever Darmstichting: Informacion

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Maag Lever Darmstichting: TV

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Maag Lever Darmstichting: Print / Outdoor

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Maag Lever Darmstichting: collection mechanism

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