Pink and poodle

Pink and Poodle is an advertising agency that I co-founded in 2007.

We had the considerable strategic honor of introducing Jillz, Heineken NL’s new sparkling cider. In 2009 I sold my shares in the company. Pink and Poodle still exists.

I’m still fond of the website we made ( That is why I’m featuring it here.

Agency – Pink and Poodle. Concept: Wencke van Amstel, Olaf Zwetsloot. Web / interaction design: Fleur van Maarschalkerwaart. Corporate Identity design: Wencke van Amstel. Project photo: Ram van Meel.

Courtesy Pink and Poodle / Umsjatka

Pink and poodle: Info

Pink and poodle: Informacion

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    Pink and poodle: website

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